ligare gatherings

ligare gatherings exists to help people make in-person, 1:1 human connection. We are passionate about helping people meet intentionally, around nerdy, introvert-friendly activities.

who we are

We design curated, invite-only gatherings with experienced guides, around activities to really connect with other guests. Our goal at each gathering is to invite a group that will get along, and maximize the odds that you leave with a new friend.

ligare gatherings is launching in Houston, TX in 2025.  Sign up now to let us know you’re interested, and to help us invite you to the best fit gatherings for you.

what we do

People are built to connect, but more and more, we find ourselves fragmented and atomized.  We go to work, we come home, and we plug into our phones. We are more mobile than ever, moving from city to city. We live without “third places” beyond work and home, and we scramble to find community each time we move.

ligare is a modern antidote, meaning “to bind.”  We seek to be a community-driven space, deeply rooted in our city, with a human touch and meticulous attention to detail, to create an inviting, inclusive, and joyful place to let your guard down and genuinely get to know other humans seeking the same basic need.

why we do it


want to learn more?

want to partner with us to host an event?

think you have something to add to our team?

have a great idea for us?